Employer Identification Number

What is an EIN?

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a special number that only your company can have, akin to a Social Security number for individuals, used for tax-related purposes to identify your company to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It's necessary to include your EIN on all tax documents. Obtaining an EIN is essential for setting up business bank accounts and may be required for various business licenses or permits, making it important to acquire shortly after your business is established or becomes a limited liability company (LLC).

Suppose you're looking to obtain an EIN quickly and effortlessly. In that case, there are services available that can manage the application process with the IRS on your behalf, simplifying one of the initial steps in starting your new venture.

Who needs an EIN?

The IRS mandates an EIN for several business structures, including:

  • Corporations
  • LLCs
  • Nonprofits
  • Some cooperatives
  • Any business with employees
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Only Corporations Need EINs
EINs Are for Employees Only
EIN Applications Are Complicated
EINs Never Change
Sole Proprietors Don't Benefit

Only Corporations Need EINs


Only corporations need an Employer Identification Number (EIN).


Various business entities, including sole proprietorships, can require an EIN.

EINs Are for Employees Only


You only need an EIN if you have employees.


EINs are needed for various business activities, not just hiring employees.

EIN Applications Are Complicated


Applying for an EIN is a complicated process.


The EIN application process is straightforward and can be done online.

EINs Never Change


Once you have an EIN, it never changes.


Certain business changes, such as restructuring, can require a new EIN.

Sole Proprietors Don't Benefit


Sole proprietors don't benefit from having an EIN.


EINs can provide privacy and simplify banking and tax processes for sole proprietors.

Adult Day Care Coverage

Risk Factors

You may have to pay them for their services from your pocket if you hire a caregiver.


Policies may cover community care, which usually means adult day care, so you don’t need to pay them all by yourself.

Modifications to House Coverage

Risk Factors

You may need to build a wheelchair ramp for one of your family members because of their medical conditions.


Some policies may even pay benefits to family members who act as caregivers or cover home modifications, such as adding wheelchair ramps or installing safety devices.

What's the difference between an EIN and a Federal Tax Identification Number?

There is no distinction between an EIN and a Federal Tax Identification Number. They are simply two names for the same identifier.


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Founded on the principle that every small business owner deserves efficient accounting solutions, We are dedicated to saving time, minimizing taxes, and simplifying life.

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4160 Southeast International Way, Suite D105
Milwaukie, OR 97222

(503) 344-3850

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