If you're currently under scrutiny by the IRS, which might escalate into a criminal matter, it's crucial to act swiftly to defend yourself. Being convicted could lead to heavy penalties and imprisonment. Securing immediate legal representation is essential to protect your financial well-being and rights. Firms specializing in tax resolutions may not be equipped to defend you against criminal allegations. Instead, engaging a skilled tax defense lawyer is advisable. Consider consulting with a professional with a background as an IRS prosecutor who now dedicates their practice solely to tax law.
IRS Criminal Investigations
During an investigation by the IRS, it's common for special agents to attempt to gather information by approaching you unexpectedly, whether at your place of work, your home, or elsewhere. They might conduct raids on your property, threaten asset seizure, and even publicize their investigation. If an IRS Special Agent approaches you or suspects you're being investigated, having a tax defense lawyer with confidence and commitment to defending against criminal tax allegations is critical. This includes tax evasion, fraud, and deliberate failure to remit taxes. A seasoned attorney can help avoid charges or lessen severe tax penalties.
Criminal and Penalty Investigations for Tax Return Preparers
The IRS actively pursues tax return preparers, such as CPAs and accountants, suspected of making false claims on tax returns, whether through willful deception or negligence. They aim to establish evidence of fraud by demonstrating the tax preparer's intentional or careless errors. They often gather evidence by questioning the clients of the accused preparer. If you are a tax preparer under investigation by the IRS, seeking legal assistance is urgent to avert potential penalties and criminal charges. Delaying could jeopardize your case, so seeking help from a tax defense expert is recommended.
Contact a tax attorney experienced in these matters as soon as possible for professional legal assistance.
Founded on the principle that every small business owner deserves efficient accounting solutions, We are dedicated to saving time, minimizing taxes, and simplifying life.
(503) 344-3850